terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

Jesus is the ANSWER

God is the owner of this business, we work as employes, because Jesus Christ is the answer to all sufferings in the human race, God had called me into soul winning,so I am obeying this call doing what is in my hands o help averybody to know that JESUS is the ANSWER.
He is the answer for lack of peace, he is the answer for sickness and pain ,he is the answer for lack of wisdom, (wisdom practical to be applied in daily matters) He will give ideas to sell or to make new products, new services. God knows everything, He is the creator of all in the universe. So if you want to get involve with God in your business the most important step you need to make is this: Accept that you are a sinner and that you need a Saviour and Lord, please get in touch we wil help you in your first steps.